Town of Sharon Planning Board

Minutes of 6/5/13

Amended and Approved on 6/19/13

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Ben Pinkowitz

Anne Bingham - absent

Rob Maidman, Clerk  

Pat Pannone

David Milowe, Vice Chair  

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Other Attendees

Hazel Hopkins

Bill Gallagher

Roger Spellman 38 Deborah Sampson

Merilee Maeir of 8 Deborah Sampson





Chair Pat Pannone called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and read the Chair’s Report.  


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Milowe moved to approve the meeting minutes of 5/8/13. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 (Pinkowitz) in favor.


Mr. Milowe moved to approve the meeting minutes of 5/22/13. Mr. Pinkowitz seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 (Pannone) in favor.


Bella Estates

Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain stated that the soil pile at Bella Estates has been cleared and used as fill at the Sacred Heart site.


Mr. O’Cain said he met with Town Counsel and 6 lots had been sold to a new developer but a restraining order had been placed on the property by the Attorney General. It has since been lifted and the new owners have applied for building permits but the DPW denied them. The surety bond for the subdivision is held by 155-157 North Main LLC but all the remaining lots are owned by another party.  The Town officials are working with Town Counsel to negotiate with the bond holder to complete the subdivision.  There has been no action on the infrastructure completion and something needs to be done. The bondholders 155-157 N Main Street LLC and they have not been on site since November. They did not win the bid for the remaining 6 lots. They have 1 lot left that has a foundation hole constructed but a stop work order has been placed on the property until the infrastructure issue is addressed.


Mr. O’Cain said he may need to pull the bond if the subdivision has not been completed by the August deadline and will speak with Attorney Gelerman to regarding the procedure for pulling the bond.


Various Bella residents discussed the continuing issues. Mr. O’Cain acknowledged that there are still no streetlights or sidewalks, and there are outstanding drainage and landscaping issues that must be addressed.   He will provide the Board with updates after his meeting with Attorney Gelerman.



The NEB sign request for 48 East Chestnut Street was presented by representatives Hazel Hopkins and Bill Gallagher. They requested a 6-foot non-illuminated sign. The colors are compatible with the historical palette.  A brief discussion occurred.


Mr. Milowe moved to accept the NEB sign request for 48 Chestnut Street. Mr. Pinkowitz seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of approval.


Public Hearing – Wall removal scenic roadway hearing

Mr. Pinkowitz read the public hearing notice to review the proposed removal of two seventeen foot sections of stone wall located at 21 Deborah Sampson Street.


Mr. Maidman moved to open the public hearing.  Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of opening the hearing.


Mr. Iverson reviewed his plan to remove two seventeen foot sections of stone wall located at 21 Deborah Sampson Street in order to build two driveways for new homes. He said that Kevin Webber of the Sharon Forestry and Grounds Department approved the location. Mr. Iverson said he wants to restore the wall. It is loosely packed and not a fitted wall.  He will be keeping the character of the wall in his restoration.


Roger Spellman of 38 Deborah Sampson asked if the driveway on the new home to be built could be a shared driveway with the abutting lot.


Mr. O’Cain said that the Town does not favor the idea of shared driveways as it causes issues with the shared maintenance for landowners and property disputes.  There are also emergency response issues that can arise from shared driveways.


Mr. O’Cain said the scenic road hearing is about trees and walls in the Town’s right-of-way. The hearing is not about clearing on private property The stone wall is limited to the right of way.


Mr. O’Cain said that removal of the stone walls and trees falls under the Scenic Roadway bylaw. He said that Mr. Iverson chose a space where there are no trees to build his driveway and a small portion of the wall needs to be removed as a result. He said that the applicant makes the filing and we don’t usually tell them where to put the driveway, unless there is a significant tree or structure that will be disrupted and there are alternatives to the location proposed.


Merilee Maeir of 8 Deborah Sampson asked if the wall was a retaining wall.  Mr. O’Cain indicated that is was not.


Mr. Iverson said that he will utilize some stones that were removed and rebuild and restore the wall where there are holes.


Mr. Milowe moved to close the public hearing and Mr. Madman seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of closing the hearing.


Discussion occurred amongst the board members. Mr. Maidman said to Mr. Iverson that he knows he will be sensitive to the neighbors and the restoration of the stone wall.


Mr. Pinkowitz said he is glad Mr. Iverson will be restoring the stone wall.


Mr. Pannone asked if when choosing the opening in the wall, Mr. Iverson took line of sight into account. Mr. Iverson said he did.


Mr. Maidman moved to accept the recommendation for 21 Deborah Sampson including restoration of the stone wall and keeping as many trees as possible. Mr. Pinkowitz seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Subdivision Regulations

Mr. O’Cain said he will contact Mr. Houston for a “clean copy” of the regulations for the Board to review.



Mr. Milowe moved to adjourn at 9:00 PM. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 to adjourn.


